Problem Installing Playmaker 1.9.0p2 In 2018.1.0f2 For Mac

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  1. Problem Installing Playmaker 1.9.0p2 In 2018.1.0f2 For Macbook
  2. Problem Installing Playmaker 1.9.0p2 In 2018.1.0f2 For Mac Pro
  3. Problem Installing Playmaker 1.9.0p2 In 2018.1.0f2 For Mac Windows 10
  4. Problem Installing Playmaker 1.9.0p2 In 2018.1.0f2 For Mac 2016
  5. Problem Installing Playmaker 1.9.0p2 In 2018.1.0f2 For Mac 2017
  6. Problem Installing Playmaker 1.9.0p2 In 2018.1.0f2 For Mac Air
  7. Problem Installing Playmaker 1.9.0p2 In 2018.1.0f2 For Mac Free

NOTE: Always BACKUP projects before updating PlayMaker or Unity!

If you run into problems during Installation, please see Troubleshooting.

Version 1.9.0 Patch 21

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed some editor style issues in Unity 2019.3+

Version 1.9.0 Patch 20

Problem Installing Playmaker 1.9.0p2 In 2018.1.0f2 For Macbook

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed renaming of variables selected with Convert option.

Version 1.9.0 Patch 19

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed build errors in Unity 2019.3 beta.

Version 1.9.0 Patch 18

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed New Variable/Event Popup position bug.
  • Fixed potential error spam when disconnecting prefabs.
  • Fixed potential errors in find event usage.

Problem Installing Playmaker 1.9.0p2 In 2018.1.0f2 For Mac Pro

Version 1.9.0 Patch 17

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed long build times in projects with lots of FSMs in prefabs.
  • Fixed errors in Unity 2019.3 alpha.

Version 1.9.0 Patch 16

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed installation errors in Unity 2019.2 beta and 2019.3 alpha.

Version 1.9.0 Patch 15

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed state dragging in prefab mode in 2019.1.

Version 1.9.0 Patch 14

Problem Installing Playmaker 1.9.0p2 In 2018.1.0f2 For Mac Windows 10

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed potential build issues in 2018.3+

Version 1.9.0 Patch 13

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed double pasting in Unity 2018.3 on OSX (Unity bug).

Version 1.9.0 Patch 11

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Preprocessing of Prefabs in 2018.3+
  • Fixed update of Array values in Variables manager when playing in editor.
  • Fixed AutoName error in Next Frame Event action.

Version 1.9.0 Patch 10

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed editor textures being too bright when color space set to Linear in Unity 2018.3+ (handled differently than older versions).

Version 1.9.0 Patch 9

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed editor textures being too dark when color space set to Linear.

Version 1.9.0 Patch 8

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed installation in Unity 2019.1 beta.
  • Fixed error spam in rare cases where project contains dlls that can't be scanned.

Version 1.9.0 Patch 7


  • Added Unity Version check to installer to detect Asset Store bug where it's importing the wrong version.
  • Added PlayMaker > Tools > Preprocess Prefab FSMs

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issues when adding/deleting variables in prefabs (e.g. overridden values sometimes getting confused).
  • Fixed log error spam trying to unpack prefab variants that are assets.
  • Fixed caching in GetFsm variable actions when only FSM Name changed.
  • Workaround for Unity menu bug in 2018.3 where sub menus are not properly collapsed under common root.
  • Fixed outline around New Variable/Event Windows in 2018.3

Version 1.9.0 Patch 6


  • More responsive Error Checker and Action Usage counts in large projects.
  • Use full version info in Welcome Window so you can see the patch version number.
  • Updated Play Random Sound to use Object variables.
  • Better error checking in Get Child Num action.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issues selecting FSMs in the Fsm Browser and Error Checker.
  • Fixed 'owner null!' log spam with global variables window open.
  • Fixed copied events not showing in Events tab when copy/pasting States.
  • Fixed Set Fsm Variable action bug when updating values.
  • Fixed errors with null Object action parameters e.g. Play Random Sound.
  • Fixed assert in PostProcessScene in 2018.3 when building.

Version 1.9.0 Patch 5


  • Support new Nested Prefab workflow in Unity 2018.3.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Obsolete warnings in Unity 2018.3
  • Fixed Template saving in Unity 2018.3
  • Fixed UI Image Set Sprite error when Sprite was null (none).
  • Fixed Float Interpolate and Vector2 Interpolate Finish Event when using EaseInOut.
  • Fixed FSM screenshots on Retina/Hidpi screens.
  • Fixed rare Random Int error that could lead to a crash.
  • Fixed new global event not being marked global properly.
  • Fixed AutoUpdater sometimes spamming update messages.

Version 1.9.0 Patch 4

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Windows Store Apps building with .net scripting backend.

Version 1.9.0 Patch 3

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed variable categories sometimes getting swapped when renaming variables.
  • Fixed bug when filtering selection for Array Variables (GameObject, Material, and Texture).
  • Fixed Hide Obsolete Actions setting editor bugs if obsolete actions were used. (#1761)
  • Fixed manual renaming of action titles.
  • Fixed Auto Updater repeated requests to update.
  • Bug fixes for Get/Set Fsm Array actions.

Version 1.9.0 Patch 2

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed possible null ref errors in event handler components in upgraded projects.

Version 1.9.0 Patch 1

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed display of arrays in editor (#1755)
  • Fixed LoadScene action editor.
  • Fixed AutoUpdater false positive after updating old projects.
  • Fixed error when enabling Legacy Networking.
  • Fixed error when Auto-Naming Set Property action.


  • Updated Student Version action list to include new UI actions.
  • Moved Tween enums to new namespace to avoid conflicts (e.g., LoopType in DoTween actions).

Version 1.9.0


  • Integrated UI Actions and Events (previously available us uGUI Addon).
  • Various optimizations to reduce GC, load times and increase runtime performance.
  • Added Convert sub-menu in variable selection so you can select compatible variables.

Problem Installing Playmaker 1.9.0p2 In 2018.1.0f2 For Mac 2016

  • Added Category Icons in Action Browser and Action Titlebar.
  • Show total usage count on each Action Category button.
  • Show progress bar on running actions.
  • Synchronize debug time when switching between FSM Logs and Timeline Log.
  • Allow Components in Call Method action (E.g., CanvasRenderer)
  • Right-click Minimap button to open state selection menu
  • Fixed build setup for Nintendo Switch.
  • New Action Attributes:
    • DisplayOrder - control display order of a field
    • HideIfAttribute - conditionally hide an action field
    • SettingsMenuItemAttribute - add a method to the action's setting menu
    • PreviewFieldAttribute - specify a custom method to draw a preview under a field
    • HideInInspector - editor now respects this Unity attribute allowing you to hide public fields
  • Added right-click context menu to variable selection button:
    • Edit Variable: Selects the variable in the Variables tab or Global Variables Window.
    • Used By: See where this variable is used. Click to jump there.
  • Allow open/closing actions without triggering the 'editing while playing' warning.
  • Default to single line editors for Vector2, Vector3 etc. Exposed as a Preference.
  • Experimental preference to auto-summarize collapsed actions.
  • Consistent Unity editor styles for fixed headers and footers.
  • Improved FSM and Template inspectors (better prefab and undo/redo handling).
  • Improved Add-ons page in Welcome Window.


  • Removed iTween from the default install. The iTween actions can be imported in Welcome Window > Add-ons, BUT the user must now import iTween themselves.
  • Some systems moved to Legacy section in Welcome Window > Add-ons

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Unity 2018.2 beta errors (old networking lib was removed).
  • Fixed 'Owner needs a Collider...' error check on Mouse events with Collider2D.
  • Fixed scene always marked dirty if variable selected in the Variables Manager (#1738)
  • Fixed potential duplicate variables when copying actions to another FSM (#1740)
  • Fixed selection when de-maximizing editor or focusing tabbed editor.
  • Fixed double-click editing of category names in variables tab.
  • Fixed bug where ArrayEditor was resetting the Object arrays (#1746)
  • Fixed undo/redo in Template Browser.
  • Fixed errors if missing Watermarks folder/textures.

Version 1.8.9

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug in 1.8.7/8 when updating FSMs made with very old versions of Playmaker.

Version 1.8.8

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed editor lag with looped states (bug in 1.8.7).
  • Fixed all events being marked global by Error Checker.
  • Sent By context menu in Event Manager now includes events sent by the selected FSM.
  • Fixed Sent By items with same path (e.g., GameObject : FSM : State 1) collapsing into a single menu item.
  • Fixed Clipboard/Missing Owner templates showing up in searches (e.g., event menus).
  • Fixed rendering glitch in Circuit Links if the link was perfectly horizontal.
  • Fixed toggling of global events in Event Browser.


  • Added preference to Ping editor windows if they're already open:
    • Preferences > General > Ping Open Editor Windows
  • Clickable error box if event needs to be global. Click to make the event global.

Version 1.8.7

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed 2D Physics events in Run FSM action.
  • Fixed hierarchy changes unselecting sub FSMs (e.g. Run FSM), making them hard to debug (#1718)
  • Don't auto-close Action Browser if it's docked (#1575)
  • Fixed Graph View not resetting when PlayMakerFSM was Reset in menu (#1554)
  • Don't add second PlayMakerGUI if it's disabled in the scene.
  • Fixed layout of some action parameters with new re-sizable Inspector.
  • Actions copied in State Inspector and pasted in Graph View were pasted off screen.
  • Disabled rich text editing in State Description since there was no way to edit the tags.


  • Drag and drop actions from State Inspector into Graph View (onto other states or to make a new state)
  • Hold shift to duplicate dragged actions instead of moving them.
  • Added activation fx for actions similar to the graph activation fx.
  • Added Direct transition link style:
  • UI Animations (turn off in Preferences > General > UI Animation FX):
    • Open/close animations for action foldouts.
    • Smooth auto-scrolling to the selected action.
    • Smooth removal of deleted action.
  • Keyboard navigation in the Graph View.
    • Cursor keys to select closest state
    • Return/enter to select transition. Escape to deselect.
  • Keyboard controls in State Inspector.
    • Works like Unity Hierarchy cursor controls (multi-select logic etc.)
    • Space/enter to open/close selected actions.
    • Move actions up/down with Ctrl+Up/Down keys (Cmd+Up/Down on OSX).
  • Added a help box to the Bug Report form in Unity 2017.1 since it's broken in that version due to a Unity bug.
  • Re-sizable variable inspector in Variables tab and Global Variables window.
  • Added Graph View preference to fade links not connected to selected states.
  • Count events sent by actions in Event Manager used count column. Improved Context Menu shows Sent By... and Received By... submenus.
  • Don't add second FINISHED event with Ctrl/Cmd click state shortcut. Instead open Event Menu.
  • Remember last selected directory when saving Templates.
  • Show State Errors in Minimap (as little red dot)
  • Added StateChanged callback to Fsm class.

Version 1.8.6

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed dragging of Actions in Unity 2017.3
  • Fixed missing Custom Action Editors with .net 4.6 in Unity 2017+
  • Fixed ArrayContains to properly handle null/none values.


Problem Installing Playmaker 1.9.0p2 In 2018.1.0f2 For Mac 2017

  • Re-sizable Inspector Panel.
  • More explicit prefab instance workflow.
  • Added GameObject field to collision/trigger actions so you can detect collisions on other GameObjects.
  • Added Any Tag option to collision/trigger actions.
  • New Guided Tour window (Main Menu > PlayMaker > Help > Guided Tour)
  • Hold Shift in Graph View to scroll horizontally with Mouse Wheel.
Problem Installing Playmaker 1.9.0p2 In 2018.1.0f2 For Mac

Problem Installing Playmaker 1.9.0p2 In 2018.1.0f2 For Mac Air

  • New Assert Action (uses Conditional Expression core).
  • Added Preference to disable large GameObject and FSM title in Graph View.
  • Fixed Obsolete warnings in Unity 2017.3.
  • Organized all actions in folders.
  • Updated offline manual.

Problem Installing Playmaker 1.9.0p2 In 2018.1.0f2 For Mac Free

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